
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Harney Range – Autumn Electric

 First painting of 2011 - now on the walls at Green Ink Gallery and Studios
(always open by appointment)

Harney Range – Autumn Electric
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Lingering in the Black Hills high-country, summer seeps twinkling from phantasmagoric spires in the Harney Range; great stone masses, steeped in gentle alpine warmth, stand radiant and alive. Time solidified, roosting sleepily, balances patently, at ease until a first dark and icy storm falls out of the north, sweeping over the Hills. The North Wind with a wintry bite rides shrieking in slot canyons, howling through ponderosa, and moaning against impassive granite. Lifting behind swirling mists in the wake of the tempest, a low glowing sunrise infuses an enchanted land with warm golden light. Autumn is electric in the Harney Range.

Artist: Mark Zimmerman
Medium: acrylic on canvas ~ 30” x 40”
$2800 at: Green Ink Gallery and Studios ~ sold.

All materials and pigments used meet the highest archival standards.

Green Ink Gallery & Studios • by appointment

Mary Wipf & Mark Zimmerman – artists:
paintings, drawings, original prints, and fine marbled silks & papers